Johnny Depp’s Case is Showing How Insane and Stupid the American Court System Is

Finally, the curtain is being pulled back

Scott Carter
5 min readApr 23, 2022

There’s a clip floating around the internet where someone has spliced together a ton of stupid and a few beyond stupid questions posed to Johnny Depp by some high-priced lawyer. People are finding the questions laughably stupid but I just see the virality of the video to be a reflection of how ignorant and naive most people are at just how stupid and insane the American court system is. He’s asking stupid questions and saying stupid things but this is a lawyer that comes at a very high price. What do you think the cheap ones ask? If the expensive ones are this stupid, how stupid do you think the cheap ones are? Spoiler alert: Dumber than you can imagine.

Just a normal Tuesday

If you think this video is funny and humorous, I have bad news for you. This is a typical Tuesday across America in the court system. Every day thousands upon thousands of lawsuits take place in which America’s collection of highest-paid assholes drive their Mercedes to fancy buildings where they just dumb down our legal system and our country in general. If you don’t have much personal experience with America’s legal system then let’s allow the coverage of this case to burst your bubble. It’s dumb. Really dumb. Like glue-sniffing dumb. What you’re seeing with this case is called Tuesday. The American legal system in their big fancy marble and polished granite buildings is just a nest where some of the nation's dumbest people go to roost and compete for the highest moronic honors.

Most of my court experience is in family court. Mental health professionals have to actively work to not get pulled into this dumpster fire. The best deterrent is to charge people $300 an hour just to show up with a minimum of two hours paid in advance and make it non-refundable. Let me tell you, family court is dumb. And I mean dumb. Like, as a brick. I’ve often wondered if family court is offered as a consolation prize to the morons that flunk out of law school. The only other explanation for what happens in family court is insanity but in this case, I’m going with both. Family court is both stupid and insane. That’s the only possible explanation for it. Go through family court and you’ll realize that when it comes to the American legal system, the lunatics have truly taken over the asylum.

At one point I had a staggering realization about family court. They have no established method of making decisions. None. It’s completely arbitrary and seemingly random. When it comes to making decisions, it’s so random and arbitrary that if you try to make sense of it, you’ll lose your marbles in the process. At first, I wondered if they just spin a wheel for their decision making and then I realized that spinning a wheel would make more sense than what actually happens. In fact, I wish they’d start spinning a wheel, it would be less insane than what actually takes place. At least they’d be able to give a reason for why they did what they did. “That’s what the wheel landed on! Nothing we can do now!”

When I’ve been appointed by the court as a mental health expert, they always want me to submit a whole bunch of stuff like an extended resume and continuing education certificates, stuff like that. They claim that they want to make sure they know that I was an expert when in reality, I believe that they want to ensure that I’m as incompetent and totally beyond witless as they are. They want to make sure that I’m not rubbing too many brain cells together. I once had to explain to a lawyer that if people have a long history of lying then they’re just going to lie again in the future. It’s called a behavior pattern. I’m being serious. The look of bewilderment on his face was classic. I was expecting him to say something like, “You must tell me more of your ways of wizardry” or something like that.

“It’s time to spin the wheel of decisions!!!”

I still can’t wrap my head around how dumb family court is. The weirdest part is that it just seems to be this protected little universe that functions on its own laws of physics. One of the funniest parts, I can’t help but laugh out loud, is how they dress up nice and expect everyone else to do the same as though it’s not a complete circus. “You need to look professional” while they make a mockery of professionalism. The lawyers and judges should dress up as clowns, it would be much more appropriate. “It’s time to spin the wheel of decisions!” Honk honk!

Morally bankrupt

What’s even more troubling is how it’s universally accepted that lawyers are morally bankrupt individuals. They are willing to lie, manipulate and cheat their way to winning court cases. Many of them break the law every day but it’s also a good old boys club where they all look out for each other. Nobody holds them accountable. Judges can do whatever they want and nobody holds them accountable.

Many, if not most, of your elected government officials are former attorneys and a lot of them are former prosecution attorneys which means that they have a one size fits all solution to all the problems in society. Punish. Got a homelessness problem? Punish someone. There’s a teacher shortage? Punish someone. Traffic too heavy? Punish someone. It doesn’t solve anything. Punishments don’t work. Sorry, I take that back. Punishments do work. They work at working against us.

This is literally a picture I took in an attorney's office; I’m not making this up

I’m also finding myself asking why this particular court case, the one involving Johnny Depp is being televised but the answer is obvious. Celebrities. And money. We just can’t get enough of them, can we? But why, as a celebrity, would you agree to have this dumpster fire televised for everyone to see? Money, of course. Duh. I honestly just wish we’d stop falling for this. Perhaps this is just one of many examples of how we escape the mindless and the mundane that has become our everyday way of living? Perhaps we should stop being so invested in the lives of others and more invested in our own?

I’m inclined to offer the idea that if we stare too long into the insane abyss known as the American legal system we’ll become susceptible to being consumed by the abyss. I’ve seen this happen with good people who happened to be lawyers. They become cynical and jaded. You will too if you spend too much time involving yourself in what happens in our legal system.

If you’re not in the U.S. you probably enjoy a completely insane legal system as well but I doubt that what you have going on is as corrupt, insane and stupid as ours. In case you needed any more reasons to become disillusioned with the U.S. and the dystopian hell hole that it’s become, then file this one away as well. You’re welcome.



Scott Carter
Scott Carter

Written by Scott Carter

Therapist, philosopher, social scientist, renaissance man, own worst enemy.

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