cieHollywood Movies are Utter Trash

Support independent creators

Scott Carter
6 min readMay 15, 2023

I imagine a time back in the medieval days when the lords and ladies, bored from their incest and indulgence would roll out the old trebuchet so they could fling heaps of burning garbage at the peasants, you know, just because they could. I’m sure it was great fun to watch them scream and scatter as they tried to figure out what the hell had befallen them this time.

When you think about it, not much has changed. The celebrities in all of their superiority are still at it, flinging their flaming garbage at the unsuspecting plebs, aka, you and me. Because of course they should make a 14th Spiderman movie and of course they should reboot some steamy pile of shit from the 80’s or 90’s. Robocop, pointbreak, red dawn. It doesn’t matter. Let’s bring back Roadhouse shall we? At this point, the bar can’t get any lower so why not? They’ve even remade a new version of White men can’t jump which originally was just okay thanks to Wesley “tax evasion” Snipes.

It’s not worth making again, it wasn’t that great in the first place but, of course, Hollywood can’t pass up an opportunity to drag people through the mud because of the color of their skin. I’m not going to watch the new one. I only watched the old one because I’ve always loved basketball. And so the count continues… 2,920 days since an original story showed up in a Hollywood movie.

But let’s just get to the most important truth about Hollywood and the freaks that are in it. The internet and social media have put an enormous wrecking ball right through the middle of any fantasies that we might have held about these people. The internet has revealed an enormously disturbing truth. These people are monsters. Harvey Weinstein? Kevin Spacey? Bill Cosby? Woody Allen? These are just the ones we know about. The truth is more disturbing than fiction and dripping with infected semen. Blech.

“Do you ever wonder how a dog can eat the same damn dog food every day and not get sick of it? I wonder the same thing about people that keep going to the movie theater.”

Honestly, the audacity that it takes for these monsters to lecture us about morality… wow. Gawd almighty the lecturing and the finger-pointing from the likes of Meryl Streep? Seriously, celebrities just need to do their little song and dance before taking a big snort of shut the fuck up. The amount of money one of these assholes pays for one pair of shoes could cover the food costs for a homeless shelter for at least a week so they can fucking can it. It’s become obvious that the film industry attracts some of the absolute worst possible people who want to be admired and worshipped by the peasantry and I have to believe they’d be willing to do just about anything to accomplish this and I’d bet everything I own that some of them have. Can we please be honest with ourselves long enough and admit to ourselves that we can’t conscionably support these people?

Back in my day!

There are a lot of movies that I loved when I was younger. I love The Matrix… Just the first one though, the rest belong in the trash. Tombstone is an absolute classic. If you haven’t watched Last of the Mohicans you’re seriously missing out, I still love the soundtrack. Amazing. The Shawshank Redemption might be the best movie ever made. Seriously, I wish they still made movies like that. I’d be able to hold my delusion together about these monsters for a short time if they still made movies that good. I miss a good movie experience, I really do. I remember watching Jurassic Park or Braveheart in the theater for the first time.

“We need our own creativity as well as the creativity from others, it’s truly what helps us to connect in such a detached world.”

Those days are gone. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can move on and find some real quality entertainment. The real magic is coming from independent creators. They’re on YouTube or Tik Tok and they usually come in the form of being a musician or some kind of artist. True creativity isn’t dead, you just have to look harder for it and you just have to be willing to accept a lower standard in production value. It turns out you don’t need a production assistant or a key grip, whatever the fuck that is, to make some quality kick-ass content.

Independent creators are saving us from this entertainment hell hole

I’m continually amazed at humans and the cool shit they do and the amazing shit they come up with. Something that Hollywood no longer knows anything about or cares about. I’ve given up on Hollywood and you should too. As long as you keep paying twenty bucks for a ticket and even more than that for popcorn, they’re just going to keep flinging their flaming garbage at us. They don’t give a shit how bad the movie is or how completely unoriginal it is as long as it makes some money. Surely they’re laughing at us because we falling for this scam called movies. Do you ever wonder how a dog can eat the same damn dog food every day and not get sick of it? I wonder the same thing about people that keep going to the movie theater.

Please stop it. I don’t care how much you’ve loved movies it’s time to take one for the team and find other things to do and other ways to waste your money. The economy is bad anyway, stay home and carve a canoe out of a tree that fell in the woods. Buy some yarn and some pushpins and make your own conspiracy theory, it would be fun! While you’re at it, record it and put it online and I promise you it would be better than the shit they throw at us from California and I’m not even talking about the hoards of homeless people out there that they like to try to ignore.

Independent creators are seriously where it’s at. I get so much more gratification from watching what regular everyday people are doing. They’re amazing and it helps me love humans more when, truly, celebrities make it really difficult to love humans. I love the music they make and the pictures they take. I love watching them and their amazing relationships with animals. I love watching their ingenuity. Independent small-time creators are the best man. You know who you are, thank you for art, thank you for taking the time to develop and share your talents. I don’t just want to see you excel at it, I want to be your friend.

Being creative is just part of who we are. It’s how we connect to others and how we express our emotions and our trauma. It’s such an important part of this human experience. We need our own creativity as well as the creativity from others, it’s truly what helps us to connect in such a detached world. Go find some awesome independent creators. Give that shit a like and a follow.

And perhaps one of the best things about independent creators is that we all have the ability to be one. We’re all unique and we’re all talented in our unique ways. We all have something special to contribute and we should contribute them because that’s what helps give us purpose.



Scott Carter
Scott Carter

Written by Scott Carter

Therapist, philosopher, social scientist, renaissance man, own worst enemy.

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